A Beekeeper's Diary; Self Guide to Keeping Bees 2nd Edition
Author: Charlotte Ekker Wiggins
Publisher: Bluebird Gardens, LLC

ISBN: 978-1-7357319-0-2
Price: $34.95 (Hard cover) $24.95 (Ebook)

Page Count/Binding: 310 pages

Available through: Amazon, Bluebird Gardens (Autographed copies), Left Bank Books, Spine Bookstore and Cafe, Barnes N Noble, Walmart

Book Description 

"A Beekeeper's Diary; Self-Guide to Keeping Bees" is an award-winning beginning beekeeping guide with checklists and key information to help beginning beekeepers get a solid start. Based on scientifically-based best management practices, the diary encourages record-keeping and observation, two key practices to successfully keep bees.

Author Bio

Charlotte Ekker Wiggins is an award-winning author and lecturer. She is a certified master beekeeper and master gardener. She supervises a teaching apiary where beekeepers can get hands-on experience with bees and lectures on beekeeping/gardening-related topics.

E-mail: 4charlottewiggins@gmail.com


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