If you’ve spent any amount of time trying to market your books online, you know the feeling. Your head is spinning with countless ways to use Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, blogging, podcasting, email, and more. You’re probably getting a headache just thinking about it now. Two of the most common questions you may be asking at this point are ... What sites should I focus on? What do I post and share with my readers? Those are great questions. Inquiring minds want to know: What sites will deliver the most bang for your buck? How can you make the best use of your time? And what do you communicate to your fans, friends, followers, and subscribers? Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all, easy-button answer. The best strategy for you will be much different than the best strategy for someone else. The key is to tailor your online marketing plan to your strengths and personality. At our June 11 meeting, SLPA president and full-time author Bob Baker will help you sort out all of these questions as he reveals:
Bob Baker helps musicians, authors and creative entrepreneurs use their talents and know-how to make a living and make a difference in the world. He is the author of the highly acclaimed Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook (which appeared in the movieThe School of Rock). CD Baby called him “The Godfather of Independent Music Marketing.”
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