Last year self-published titles made up 25% of Amazon's top-selling e-books. Four indie authors have sold more than a million Kindle books and 23 have sold more than 250,000. As part of the pre-launch of his sixth book, YA author John Green performed to a sold-out crowd at Carnegie Hall, and within several months his book shot to the top of the New York Times Best Seller List. That was followed by an invitation from President Obama to a Google Chat. And his YouTube channel, Vlog Brothers, reached a milestone of 1 million subscribers. Once an author's momentum starts, it often snowballs to dizzying heights! But how do you get momentum in the first place? Especially when you don’t have a big publisher budget, you don’t “get” social media, you are sales-averse, and you think you "don’t have time"? At our April 10 meeting, Lori Feldman will share her "Big Data" ideas for small publishers and book authors with a unique twist on how e-marketing can “pre-sell” books. She will reveal:
Lori Feldman is known as “The Database Diva” because she shows web marketers how to squeeze more profit out of their website by attracting more visitors and converting them to customers. She is a 30-year veteran of direct marketing and is a recipient of the prestigious Direct Marketer of the Year Award. Her company's newsletter, “The Database Marketing Hotwire,” is a three-time recipient of the APEX Award for Newsletter Writing Excellence. Lori was recently named the #1 Gold Certified Consultant for Swiftpage Email worldwide. She holds a Bachelor of Journalism degree from the University of Missouri.
Lori promises that by the end of her presentation you will feel energized, inspired, and armed with a specific plan to turbo-charge your unique position in the marketplace. Lori's website:
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