Book publishing can be overwhelming and rigorous, and to make matters more difficult, when an author publishes their own books, they’re suddenly taking on the responsibility of an entire publishing house, which is normally run by tons of people with years of experience in their specialized field. Independent Book Publishers Association is the largest trade association for independent publishers in the U.S. and our vision is to lead and serve the independent publishing community through advocacy, education, and tools for success. In this presentation, IBPA Director of Membership & Member Services, Christopher Locke will explain how IBPA can guide you along your publishing journey. Through a multitude of resources (webinars, networking events, low-cost marketing programs, our bi-monthly magazine,IBPA Publishing University—the premier educational event for independent book publishers, and much more), IBPA can help you publish books up to industry standards and give you access to the marketplaces where you want to sell your books to consumers, libraries, bookstores, and more.
BIOAs the IBPA Director of Membership & Member Services, Christopher Locke assists the 4,100+ members as they travel along their publishing journeys. Major projects include managing the member benefits to curate the most advantageous services for indie publishers, as well as overseeing the IBPA NetGalley program, which generates buzz and garners reviews for indie publishers’ titles. He’s also passionate about indie publishing, because he’s an author publisher himself, having published two novels so far in his YA trilogy, The Enlightenment Adventures.
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We are a regional affiliate of IBPA (Independent Book Publishers Association).PUBLIC DISCLAIMER: Appearance of member books, publishing services and speaker services in SLPA newsletters, blogs, promotion materials or website does not constitute endorsement by the SLPA. As with any decision made by an author or publisher regarding a service provider, due diligence and research are always recommended. © 2021 St. Louis Publishers Association. All rights reserved.