This SLPA meeting is all about There's no denying the immense power of this one website. Millions of online shoppers and millions of physical and electronic book sales make Amazon the premier place on the planet to promote and sell your books.
The sad thing is, most authors do not make full use of Amazon's potential. Many aren't even aware of the numerous ways to use the site to get the attention of book lovers. And even authors who know about Amazon’s features aren't leveraging them for the greatest impact.
On March 14, SLPA president Bob Baker will cover the most potent best practices to help you promote and sell your books on Amazon, whether you publish print books or ebooks for the Kindle.
Here are just some of the topics Bob will cover:
Bob Baker is a full-time author who has developed a successful niche writing and speaking about music marketing and self-promotion for songwriters, musicians, and bands. He is serving his fifth term as president of the St. Louis Publishers Association and is an outspoken advocate for the self-publishing movement.
His books include 55 Ways to Promote & Sell Your Book on the Internet, Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook, Unleash the Artist Within, Branding Yourself Online, and four other paperback books. Learn more about Bob at
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