Join the St. Louis Publishers Association on September 8 for “Using NetGalley to Promote Your Book”, presented by David Strom.
One of the best ways to promote your book is by reaching new readers with pre-release copies, and thanks to a service called NetGalley, you can add this to your toolbox.
I have been using NetGalley as a reader for the past several years: the idea is that I can read new books that interest me for free, provided that I review them and post my reviews on Amazon and other book selling sites. In this presentation, I will show you the author's point of view. Yes, it does cost to make your pre-release "galleys" available—but the fee is a very reasonable $450 per book, or $200 if you are a member of IBPA. In this presentation, I will show you how NetGalley works, what kinds of books are best for the service (including audiobooks) and the best time to take advantage of it as part of your book marketing efforts.
David Strom is one of the leading experts on network and Internet technologies and has written and spoken extensively on topics such as IT security, VOIP, convergence, email, cloud computing, network management, Internet applications, wireless and Web services for more than 30 years. He is the author of two non-fiction books (Internet Messaging (Prentice Hall, 1998) which he co-authored with Marshall T. Rose and Home Networking Survival Guide (McGrawHill/Osborne, 2001). David has written hundreds of magazine articles and blog posts for a variety of IT vendors such as Avast, RSA, IBM, HP Enterprise, and Kaspersky. He has a Master of Science in Operations Research from Stanford University, and a BS from Union College. He has spoken at SLPA in the past on book marketing and technologies and has lived in St. Louis since 2006. Visit David at
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