Join the St. Louis Publishers Association on September 9 at our next monthly Zoom meeting for “A Speaker Who Writes Shares with Writers Who Want to Speak…and Sell More Books!”, featuring Carol Weisman.
As a writer—regardless of the genre—there is an audience looking to meet you, hear from you, and decide if they want to purchase your book. After that, if you knock it out of the park, they might become a dedicated fan or even upgrade to groupie status. Why not get paid to sell your books? Learn how to get speaking engagements, even in the time of COVID-19, and how to sell copies of your books in bulk before you speak.
Carol Weisman is a CSP**. She is the author of eleven books on fundraising, governance, and philanthropy. In the past 26 years, she has travelled multiple times for work from Marshalltown, Iowa and Tyler, Texas to as far away as the United Kingdom, Australia, and East Africa. In total, she has sold well over 100,000 books. During the current COVID-19 restrictions, she confesses to binge watching “The Closer” and other mysteries, rereading her favorite authors including Ruth Rendell and Barbary Pym, but proudly admits to only gaining four pounds.
**A CSP is a Certified Speaking Professional, the highest earned award from the National Speaker’s Association. To earn a CSP, a speaker must complete a minimum of 250 paid speaking engagements in five years, for at least 100 clients and at a minimum of $250,000.
Visit Carol at
INSTRUCTIONS: Sign up is free. You can join from your smartphone, computer, or tablet. If you’ve used Zoom before, it should connect right away. If it’s your first time, simply sign up, follow the prompts, and allow it to access your camera and microphone. Zoom Meeting ID link will be provided on our website and Meet Up site in September.
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We are a regional affiliate of IBPA (Independent Book Publishers Association).PUBLIC DISCLAIMER: Appearance of member books, publishing services and speaker services in SLPA newsletters, blogs, promotion materials or website does not constitute endorsement by the SLPA. As with any decision made by an author or publisher regarding a service provider, due diligence and research are always recommended. © 2021 St. Louis Publishers Association. All rights reserved.