Book clubs originated to bring together people through the common enjoyment of reading and discussion. How can you as an author present your book to be featured on their reading list? Selection criteria can vary greatly, even within your local area. Explore the realities beyond common perceptions, understand why members join particular clubs and gain valuable information to help get your title into their group. With Gina Gibbons, Director of the Brentwood Public Library and Damita Morris of the Shalom City of Peace Book Club Ministry. Facilitated by SLPA board member Jo Lena Johnson. Hosted by the SLPA, October 9 at The HEIGHTS, 8001 Dale Ave. Richmond Heights, 63117. Admission is free for members, $10 at the door for guests. Doors open at 6:30pm for networking, program begins at 7:00pm.
Hosted by the SLPA at our October 9 meeting. Mark your calendar!
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