Creating Relationships for Marketing Your Book

  • Wednesday, November 08, 2017
  • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Richmond Heights Community Center, in The Argus Room

You should be thinking about how to market your book before you even finish writing it, and that means making relationships with your audience. Creating genuine relationships is the best way to appeal to readers and sell more books.

It is important for you to attract people to your website and social media channels who really are interested in what you write. Just as importantly, having a genuine interest in them helps this process work both ways and ensures long-term success.

On November 8th, authors Mike DePung and Tim Yohe will share their experiences in creating these kinds of relationships, including how to:

  • establish honest connections with followers
  • gain a clearer sense of your target audience
  • create future sales of your publications
  • stick to the most useful social media platforms
  • create an author website (with walkthroughs for Wix and WordPress)

Mike DePung publishes regularly on blogs and social media and is the author of the forthcoming nonfiction book Discover Self. Create Purpose: Superhero You and the forthcoming novel The Fellowship of the Heart. Mike volunteers as the Secretary of the SLPA.

Tim Yohe is the Social Media Director of the SLPA and will share his personal relationships with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn and their importance to book marketing. Tim is also a blogger and the author of Limestone and Its Paranormal Properties: A Comprehensive Approach to the Possibilities. He is currently working on his first historical fiction novel, entitled Miracle on Chigger Hill.

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