Video content is being consumed online at unprecedented rates. If you aren’t using video to create awareness about your book and connect with readers, you’re missing out.
Most authors shy away from video for many reasons, including:
At the SLPA’s July meeting, we’ll demystify these barriers and show you the simplest ways to start recording and posting videos online.
Bob Baker, our speaker, is a Past President of the SLPA and a social media marketing power user. He has decades of experience in front of a camera. His YouTube channel has more than 760,000 views across 250+ videos.
He’ll walk you through the easiest ways to get started with video, as well as play examples and do live demonstrations. Bob will also show you the template he uses for his YouTube and live streaming videos. This simple checklist alone will be worth your time attending.
After this meeting, you won’t be nearly as intimidated by video, and you’ll be ready to start using it to attract more people who are interested in your book’s topic.
Bob Baker helps musicians, authors and creative entrepreneurs use their talents and know-how to make a living and make a difference in the world. He is the author of the highly acclaimed Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook (which appeared in the movie The School of Rock starring Jack Black).
Bob’s other books include The Empowered Artist, The Guerrilla Guide to Book Marketing, 55 Ways to Promote and Sell Your Book on the Internet, Unleash the Artist Within, and more. Check out Bob’s free blog, podcast, video clips, and more at and
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